18 December, 2015

What Does It Mean to Be a Champion

I was able to finally see this trophy, it was rather impressive
Champions, Major League Soccer have just crowned their champion and it is my home town team, the Portland Timbers! This goes without saying that I am thrilled beyond reason and electric beyond all feeling. All of that being said it is so good for a team that is only 5 years old winning the league, up until this point the only teams that have won the MLS cup have been 10+ years old. This league that is only 20 years old, founded in 1995, is on fire and is climbing up into the public eye and may even reach the “Big 5” sports popularity level in America in the near future. (NFL 1920, NBA 1946, MLB 1903, NHL 1917) All of these leagues are 60+ years old, the popularity for the MLS probably won’t happen for another 20 years, but I am excited to see it happen. What we are going to talk about in this segment is championships of the soccer scene in the US. How do we do what other teams have done in the US and squeeze every bit of fame and popularity from these little sparks of fame. There are 4 big competitions for soccer clubs in the top tier in the states and those are the following wonderful competitions: the MLS Cup, the Supporters’ Shield, the U.S. Open Cup and the CONCACAF Champions’ League.

23 October, 2015

2015 Opinions

Hello, it has been a while but I am now ready to start blogging again and this time I am revamping everything from what I write about to the layout of the page, get ready for blog 2.0.This 2015 season for Major League Soccer (MLS) has been probably the most exciting and tumultuous season to date. On the eve of Decision Day (the last day of the MLS regular season) so much is at stake. There is currently a tie between two teams for the supporters shield race, and there are several spots that are up for grabs in the Eastern and Western Conference. This Sunday is a nail biter and it has been building on so much. Over this post I will touch upon several things that have made this season great and have up kept the reputation of MLS as one of most competitive and unique soccer leagues in the world.

“When people say 'American soccer,' they think of the U.S. national team. But American soccer also includes Major League Soccer, and until we have a league that produces players at the rate other leagues around the world do, I don't believe we'll ever get to where we want to be.” -Landon Donovan

22 October, 2015

My Feelings On the League

In Major League Soccer I have my own personal vendetta. I know I have touched on a few in one way or another but I feel like here is a good place to just put everything. This post was originally written in 2014. Hopefully you enjoy my rants right before MLS launched its 2.0 campeign. It is really cool to see how far this league has come (and not come) in just a single year.
There are quite a few frustrations here in this post and I will be talking about a couple teams. What they have, what they don't have, and just something in particular that irritates me about them and if they could just get this one thing wrapped up I would be a very happy man.

17 July, 2015

Where To Go From Here

Major League Soccer Roaring In The US

What is next for America's Premier League?

As you can see there is a lot of potential for MLS to be a great league. You have talent, you have the venues, you have the passionate fan base. There just seems to be a couple things missing, a couple things that keep it from reaching its true potential. 

I personally am an avid watcher of MLS and a die hard Timbers fan. I personally want nothing more than to see the league succeed in a big way and rival the other big 5 sports in the United States.